okay, i admit it has been an eon since i last updated. can't blame me for being lazy. mugging like hell recently cas i seriously dun wanna screw up this year, like the other years i spent and then regret it later. common test is 2 more days and i'm failing practically every amaths test, i still don't get the what mr chu is trying to say, worst he's explaining graphs now and i'm completely clueless. other subjects are rather okay except physics which i bet i'm gonna fail cas i still dun get kinematics. the best thing is that i sudden feel like doing well for cheenese for once. just finished my art drafts, i bhbly thinks its nice. left tmr to paint it, wheee gonna use the school's paint xD and then i'm screwed i dunno how to paint the shading part.
today was like normal, other than that mary poppins; mrs wee, came and relief mr fathul, wl shes dam freaking homg funny luh, we kept laughing at her, and feiting keep doing those comical faces. that mrs wee wears a mould curtain to school which stinks to high heavens and has a high squeaky voice. we tao her like crazy, she gave 3e3 3/10 whatever at least we beat 3e4 1/10.
i 'm gonna fail emaths test today >.< went to simei after school with souyoung to buy things and eat lunch. after that the usual 1hr ride home. wtf screw novena luh.
dad ask me the stupidest question just now, ''how do you use your calculator ah? why got error?'' it was so funny luh, he kept poking it then ERROR ERROR, LOL. gonna go back to cheming, while reading bl in the living room.