wheee. haha i choing my IKKITOUSEN & IKKITOUSEN DRAGON DESTINY le, waiting for arrival of IKKITOUSEN GREAT GUARDIAN muahaha manga also choing to book 12 le but i com cannot open 9 & 10 so gonna buy it. dunno why they call the english battle vixen so no link ah its bout the china the 3 kingdom thing. wahaha RYOMOU middle skool version dam cute la
OMG la Home ECON ate i cook the curry chicken FUCK SPICY ah stomuch pain then everyone eat like drink water like tat WTF ah SRY la i dun eat chili 1. geeezz got caught for fringe and back sian so gonna it, dun wanna cut TT duno why in skool my hair like shyt then at home so nice hee my hair hates the skool.muahahah
haha maths test got 34 AHAHAHA bet ERWIN 17. MUAHAHAHAHHA. sian/stoning/dying at home later gonna buy food == sheez QUEUE up so LONG cook SO long also.zzz
omg la CRUNCHYROLL SCREEN SO BIG SO FUCKING BLUR LA.. now LIC SO MANY ANIME, veoh dun hav eng subs.. haha found website le secret muahaha >D
who are? JIALING loh lols wakakka..tis matsuri dam little cosplayers dunno why guess raining cas frewns alot nvr go hais,,.then got sum lenalee cosplayer look like jialing CHEENA.. BLAHBLAh they keep saying sum goth gal look dam alot like me ..my twin xD dots holy then go buy jellybeans haha hasfis JINX all CINNAMENT&COCONUT haha i os lucky man all dam nice.
go back skool haggie gave me some china 08 olypic bubble blower. wakaka ZHAOYING steal me jellybeans *bish* then jialing nvr go skool on monday TT jialing~ haha but i LOVE KANDA more sad but he anime char hais haha.. LAVI x KANDA. A DAILY DOSE OF YAOI IS HEALTHY. opps *runs* later jialing smack me wakaka. lols at night got dam horny tok wif V-club and kc&alvin.then kc alvin SPAM me tagboard == *kiks them down mrt tracks*
yay jialing back in skool.LOVE~! haha jkjk training like siao ah..maths remedial on agebra left me siao.lah blabbering maths "q. 3j ()()() square square!" saw the c-string ad on 8days ZOMG la do not use as hairband then new g-strings do not use as bookmark *faints*
haha spamnage on bus wif ZHAO and SHAFIKA(psps i dunno how spell) haha zhao usual saying she cute blahblah,the me plus shafika usual zhao FETCH!blahblah.
HOLY reach home got 1 BIG MOUNTAIN OF HOMEWORK. first i did my maths i copied from HCAIFOONG. then do sci now starting on english fnish online hw.omg la dam tired eyelids drooping wakka cannnot wait write my gothic compo since first time write compo tis yr. lols nvr rwrite the zhaoying version of cinderella omg *faint*
Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G,and H are the letters used to define bra sizes?
WOOHOO super cute naruto junior cosplay dam cute ah xD
YAY jialing coming back from CHINA ^.^v tonight 10.35 actually wanna pick her up but hais so late cannot go, daddy dun allow T.T OLD HAG i wan my CD (hope u got buy) jialing i'm waiting for my gift haha(so bhb)wakakak buy me wad c-string then got the bigbig MADE IN CHINA.
WAKAKA 2 more days to MATSURI(2nd day).just found out STRRETFEST on 25MAy at least exam over by then sian GRADES like POOP, haii must buck up, KAORI YOU ARE A GENIUS. WHEEE i feel SMART again ^^
gonna take down zhaoying's horrid pic cas got ppl tio nightmare.
GOING TO MATSURI: kaori, jialing, hasfis, cheryl
we meeting at paya laba at 12.30cas got ppl comfirm late one ahem*jialing ahem* some ppl
wow.thx to cheryl intro the some worm like sweets,i'm totally addictted to it, wow la 8packets in 2 days.OMG,i'm broke man.FUNDS MAJOR DEPLETION. when da watch step up2 not bad la better then ENCHANTED& other crap shows ^^ but i WAITED 41mins for CHERYL.waitiong outside macs like a moron.. MUAHAH watch movie must bring jacket worh, or u will freeze to death^^ hahaha CHERYL HIDAYAH, u want my jacket ^^ woohoo
lols. WHIPCREAMED zhaoing wif whipcream haha..pics not up sad haha stink like rotten milk haha but she washed her hair like siao then ok le~ sad
OK 4get post the v-club photo w/o kaori, jialing sis, zul, hweemin, erwin & other members
CLUB PRESIDENT: jialing sis
MEMBERS:hweemin eunice debs erwin zul zhaoying & others