Monday, September 29, 20089:22 PM
sorry for teh previous vulger post>.>
wif all tat fuck fuckfuck fuck..
i broke a freaking promiseto myself to freaking study
i keep thinking i'm gonna flunk mah maths and just go to sum crap class.
homg luh.
i nid a freaking b4, although i aready got a b4but if i fail mah eoy,
then BAIBAI >.>
i gonna go flunk mah cheenese luh.
oral talk english spam rubbish.
cheena paper dun understand
then teh paper 1 i think i did not but bu.. haisss
anw its not counted for o levels.
english still currently ok luh..
tmr paper 1. hope its sum easy shyt paper.
lols. i think i hav became stupid this yr>.>
HOMG i'm dumb.
this year suxs kinda..
man i dun like choinging for exams. i so wanna slp luh.
i look at teh cheena paper, all in cheenese all dunno how to read.
mind only SIAN.
YAY. code geass FTW
ok lots of anime ended.
amoeba made meh watch sum drama and i like it lols
nodame candatile if i not wrong lols
haha can't wait for season 2 to be out like KYAAA~!
tokyo shonen is nice
HOMG luh nighto so cool~!
voice so nice
gogo maki~! can't wait for hana kimi sp (jap)
9th oct shld be going watch kurosagi wif bobby>.> i keep spelling BOOBY
dam tired luh.
wake up so early
granddad is like wtf
dam irritating luh.
seriosly luh spam ur hokkien at meh like i understand u like tat
everyone here ish freaking menopausal luh.
such an unhappy place>.>
seroiusly adults shld just freaking shuddup luh
hello 2008 not 1990
wtf luh. u wan meh to cut ur fugly hairstlye for wad?
only noe how tok crap.. wad tis yr dam iportant
ni hao, you have been like telling meh tat for like 8yrs?
and every single freaking other day u keep repeating the same fukcing sentance
oh gawd. i wanna move D<
Sunday, September 21, 20083:31 PM
seriously i'm like dam pissed off luh.
so a advice for you dun pissed meh off in the morning.
cause i just like moved to mah grands' hse and i nid wake up like fucking early.
& i dun like waking ealy in the morning. abit low blood pressured here.
dun wanna here meh rant go to teh bottom part of teh post
like wtf luh. stinking irritating kenta seriously i can't wait for teh day a car rams into him.
is like fucking iriitating luh. mah eoy exams are like next week and u are like fucking pissing meh
first ur like stalking meh like i go where u go where.
and next ur like fucking supid and ur fucktard logc like dun link luh.
and seriously uh nowaday kids are fucking rude. as in seriously wtf?
homg luh dam stressed and pissed.
i keep thinking i'm gonna flunk mah exams like kanasai
homghomg where the overly confident kaori.
dang luh. i stay like fucking far.
mah grandma keep making me eat.
its fucking hawt.
exams are coming.
mah fucktard brother and dad is pissing meh off.
its like dam sian
i got like no motivation to study.
and i dun wana go to sum crap class.
i wan mah computer!
mah sis lappy is slow luh and i can't like download
i'm like gonna end up like sum BLACKED FACE PANDA.
ok luh skool is kinda fun. now.
art is like ghey harhar keep painting then whole fucking shirt and skirt tio paint.
i just realise i type like dam lots of fuck. >.>
harhar. i'm vulgar & sadistic
i like haven finish mah homework.
dang mah sis battery run out like dang fast luh.
hasfis is getting mah deidara ring harhar cas his at pan in box
and i like in i got no idea i just know the freaking nearest mrt is like novena 10 mins bus ride.
wonder how i gonna do mah eoy cosplay.
bet here wil be like wtf. monster or smth rude or wadeva luh
but dun care.
i so not gonna talk bout teh cost to them luh. they will be like waste moneey
he like freaking owes meh money luh.
gawd luh i can't draw teh eyeliner for nuts luh.
i haven helm mah costume the bottem part.
i haven paint teh outlines of the cloud
the red lines are not bright enuff gawhh
i hope sum scholarship falls from the sky and let meh go wadeva place.
just glad going japan myself during november
byebye fucking retard muahaha
lols i ranting teh whole way like wow.
wtf luh look the fucktard kenta aka fugly and fucking rude retard fuck is here.
gtg teh battery is running out
thanks kc for ur notes.
goes off reading mah collection*
*only sum ppl noe wads this heehee
Saturday, September 20, 20082:58 PM
harhar. blog revived=.=
lols forced to update by sum ppl.
epicly lols moved to mah granny's hse
man here as hawt as teh other hse.
walao nid wake up like dang early just to go skool.
epic jialing amoeba driving crazy
harhar i go irritate her as well.
distubes. ahh CHOOOOOOOO~!
man lots of epic things happen, so yah..
i was like runnig to hug eunice then opps grabged her boob by mistake
walao so BIGGG. then everyone when to grope her then 2e4 guys walk past all face like 0.o
i and aliyah LO BE LI AAAA~! jialing then she was like AHHHHHHHH.
dang funny .harhr eunice bigger>.>
okok later update moar
choining studies so MIA longer
thanks zhao ying for teh bus thing although i waited for eu like 10mins