Wednesday, December 24, 20087:38 PM
first, the darn internet explorer would not load.
second, it loaded by cannot load videos or anything
third, my first generation mp3 that runs on triple A batteries disappeared.
fourth, i'm fucking bored cas its christmas eve.
okay. manage to drag souyoung out as she wanted to wach twilight and i have not interest in watching mine online with, YOUTUBE quality and lousy bufferring rates.
cas kaori toh is bored. wanted to watched it ystd but no time.
morning, kenneth had tuition. chard had talk. i need to go down to kc with kenneth's mum.
so NO time. LOL
okay, so met souyoung up at douby ghaut.
shocked to see queue so long cas its CHRISTMAS EVE
saw chives and her friend like in the queue.
so lame that i called her thou shes like one person infront of me.
she still haven get back her multi cable plugs backs.
and jokes that we get it for her christmas pres.
watched twilight finish.
its was disappointing.
edward is so not hot.
and bella and edward is like dam boring.
so pls MOVE OVER for alice and jasper.
okay i'm at home.
by myself till daddy came back. and looks like his going out again
so yea, christmas by myself. kenta is like finally gone.
so pleased.
Can't wait for next yr.
i'm finally moving from my grands hse at march.
back to the EAST. i hope.
now is whether i'm staying or tranferring from bedok view.
and i want my P shaped cookies jialing for christmas, I'M SERIOUS
Sunday, December 21, 20084:04 PM
just eaten my potato salad, okay more of a mash potato with beacon bites.
lols was making with my sis. she wanna to make more for chritmas.
haha so shes gonna sit in one corner and peel a STACK of potatoes by HERSELF. >D
okay haves been lots of world wars & cold wars at home.
after that suzuki was like screwed thanks to sum dog.
quite glad the cold wars kinda ended.
maybe except the war between me and that dog.
just hope later my kid cousin don't come and aid raid me.
christmas is coming.
will be spending it with,
so FUN rite.
at least got peace cas that dog is going to friend's hse.
facebook is working faster on my lousy LG desktop.
been hooked on pet society.
fighting with TOOT. hahahahaha.
now trying sum car game... i keep like losing D:
school is going to REOPEN luh.
haven get my textbooks yet. cas now in the mids of transferring.
got one mountain of homework to print out. but i 'm not doing >D
1. the school did not inform me. (pretends not to hear what jialing said.)
2.nobody is gonna do it.
3.they didn't even marked it.
okay, i'm scared that i screwed my amaths and like drop class.
i dun wanna drop.
and i dun like sum ppl in my class. LOL
like sum shrunken raisins.
i dun wan to last minute study and get push down by my first sems marks.
ok except cheenese.
saw the next year sec1s aready.
hais hope no stupid bitches again.
saw sum tns ppl.
dunno whether alena they all found 8 sec1s
how to find out whether ppl play sports or not.
STARE at the leg muscles xD
ok that one must learn from QUEEN LEG FETISH ZHAOYING.
now rotting at home.
wheee mango juice with nata de coco.
Thursday, December 11, 20086:58 PM
ok. recieved a sms last night from jolene.
saying that i need to go for a match with sengkang at SENGKANG.
yah. dam fun, had to play for those who are tired.
lucky coach nvr scream in my face. although slack like crazy
can't blame me for not attending netbal for months.
all i did was stand there and watch the freaking ball FLY past me.
so zhao ying also went, crazy bitch kept singing till i wanted to pull her shorts down.
walao take stinking mrt freaking long can. kc i dunno how you sit that ne train.
it's so slow luh.
sengkang ppl rather friendly, zhao's hormones went crazy after looking at sum sec1 gal.
saying she dam cute blahblah. she and her leg hair fetish =A= she likes ccmhs girls more.
was trying to get some sleep just now. and walan my couz came over.
BAM disturb me with kenta.
DOUBLE BAMS make shitloads of noises, shake the double deck bed like sum rowing boat.
giving me a headache can. plus cannot sleep.
wow COMBO my dad's back with his talks.
wow he's calling me a LIAR saying my sis went vietnam like 5am and could not send me to mrt.
when she actually reached the BUDGET TERMINAL at 6am.
walao eh seriously, i selling kenta away before i actually follows kc idea and throw him down from the 10th floor.
Tuesday, December 9, 200812:08 PM
ok. -rises blog from dead-
so 6d 08' chalet over.
was like cycling like crazy recently.
ass was like blueblack from cycling for like 4 hours.
lots of stupid things happened.
kc found this Hermit crab aka mr. krabs
ted and kc started to go fishing with plastic bottles
alvin ted tried to dig a fish tank.
but when the waves came in the BAM! gone
played frisbee with that happy meal toy, sonic dunno wad is that
then alvin tan DESTROY it. now its at indo with sum amina to bring for her boyboy.
alot of stupid kids. ring the bell like siao then refused to move.
sum boyboy bang in me and alvin, alvin super not happy.
so moral of story KIDS ARE ANNOYING.
selling KENTA for $1. price able to nego.
then went to ted's to bbq.
kc the amazing volleyball player smack like 23490890483902 cars.
and the ball keep flying into the aminas, yay 20000 points with combo
then everyone tao ted's mum.
then kc,ted,alvin with thier uber racist jokes.
ystd when to marina go shopping with chard, kc, alvin.
so when to watch bolt. no 3d =A=
then mittons = chives.
walked around dam sian luh.
and i just had to give the crappest excuse ever.
i when to top up my ez link card to go school =A=
dad called about 8.30. barking at me to GO HOME NOW.
blah. go home nobody tere wtf.
all the bloody mutts not home, best kenta go my aunt's hse again
with my uber irritating couz.